The Ten Tenets of Sahome

 Sahome’s Direction Forward

We belong to eternity. Our joy is to involve with others in increasing everyone’s joy, well being, and noble disposition. We are forming a ‘constellation of congeniality,’ which will inspire and help us change any negative self defeating, hurtful mentality into a narrative of peace, that we can all thrive upon. There upon, everyone’s best good and betterment will accrue to our combined benefit. Joy is meant for everyone! We need to live thankfully with and for one another. By devotedly doing our own overcoming and improving on our own frailties and misplaced foibles, our righteous intent will help us overcome our share of bungles, grumbles, fumbles, bumbles, stumbles, tumbles and jumbles, so their impact humbles us for goodness. Our afflictions, rather than afflict us, can refine and purify us. Yes, we can often, so easily, be wounded, innocently wounded and hurt. We, all, have to contend with catastrophes, atrocities, disabilities, abnormalities, disparities, incongruities and uncertainties. They make up a part of our realities. We contend best with changing circumstances, if at our core, we have a strong value system. We all need a value system strong enough to compete with the negative impulses in our lives no matter how bad they have been. Values nurture grace and sweet embrace, and lead us on, upward to the light of virtue, love and goodness. Sahome’s embrace to all of us is that embrace, with all it espouses, which will lead us to peace, tender heartedness, honor and integrity to benefit all peoples, places, nations and endeavors.

That is why we choose these

Ten tenets to lead our way forward.

The Mission of Sahome is to Foster

The Ten

Tenets of Sahome

        •  Achieving moral maturity
        • Achieving ultimate belonging
        • Achieving self success
        • Achieving true perspective and balance
        • Achieving no tyranny
        • Achieving full participation
        • fAchieving profound reverence and respect
        • sFostering the democratic ideal
        • Fostering human rights
        • Fostering the free enterprise system


Living the

Mission of Sahome

There are so many wonderful people, doing so many right things to make the world a better place to live in. It is our hope and intention to draw upon one another’s talent and goodness to draw us forward together in forming this noble cause of collaboration and realization. With this higher sense of commitment to knowledge, initiative, imagination, skill, and personal development we can create a framework for team work. We will flourish. In such a team based productive environment we can enjoy our united engagement in an understanding that builds a commitment to this mission: the mission of Sahome is to help the world to come to peace, equitability, and a generous, helpful caring for one another. Our organizing principles are the ten tenets of Sahome.


Thereby we want to help all peoples, the world over, through grass roots leadership, to enshrine and self select for democratic institutions that secure the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of access to health care and education, juris prudence under law, greening and preening and cleaning of our environment and lessening degradation to our world’s ecology. We want to hold to these standards as Sahome Sentinels. Sahome’s ten tenets form the structure that unites us to this grand vision. These undergird our mission, attitude, action and mutual ascendance, together. Using a team driven approach we can fulfill the promise in every life. This will involve completing loose ends and maximizing productivity to realize the power of positive purpose. That is the Sahome solution we are striving for. 

By Living Sahome’s

Ten Tenets

We build hope and sustain strength for everyday living.

1. We rise and shine above disparaging or derelict moments or behaviors.2. We repeal and repel animosity, hurt and brutality.

3. We build upon creativity, civility, stability, and vitality for best outcomes.

4. We commend honor, social courtesy, and spiritual discipline to strengthen efficacy, astuteness, proper propriety and delight.

5. We live empathy, simplicity, sanctity and heart felt generosity to achieve tranquility and prosperity.

6. We embrace love, honesty, and veracity, forbearance and forgiveness.

7. We respect others rights and privileges, and we foster delight in sharing cooperation and cordialness.

8. We seek education, edification, and redemption, both personally and collectively.

9. We engage life, for the salvation of the soul, to build our full happiness and joy.

10. We make amends with noble priorities to –

See the bright sideThink long term

Save for a rainy day

Exercise thrift and prudence

Prepare for a bright future.



Also Teaches These

Ten Augments


Living a

happy life!j 7 i

The Ten Serenities

of Sahome

C Duty does things well, but love does things beautifully. C Give one another respect! Grant one another honor!

C Take stock. Don’t mock.

C Our sanctity must first preserve our individuality.

C Relief comes from following our moral compass and conscience.

C Consider health as wealth!

C Learn the difference between unbelief and disbelief.

C Reform, reconstitute, re-engender. Build back better. Be tender. Accept, with gratitude, the tender mercies of second chances.

C Take part, do our part to make this ‘the Age of Sahome:’ world peace!

C No time to delay. Today is our day to make hay, to have our say, to help shape things to go better in every way.


With these ten serenities we can inspire others to share noble incentives and initiatives with all of us.

This is Sahome!

We live in a world of consequence and want to bring the best consequences upon our lives. We all need some prompts, some guidelines, and some norms of conduct to guide our path safely through life’s challenges. We wish all the best to each and everyone of us as we move forward towards our optimal nature. Let’s get started and not be denied or prevented from doing our best.

Through our efforts may goodness be lived!

This is Sahome’s wish for all of us.

Refer to Sahome.orgj 8 i Sahome teaches The Diadictum of Equilibrium No Tyranny Full Participation Profound Reverence The Democratic Ideal Human Rights Free Enterprise System

See also Sahome 10 O Live O Inflict Not O Fair For All O Practicality Brings Us Results O Let Readiness Rule the Day O Give No Offense – Take No Offense O Wish for Nurturing, Compassion, Flexibility, Good Humor O Love Is the Best Guarantee We Can Give O May Each Sahome Sunset Hold Our Hopes, Dreams, Aspirations O If It Is To Be – It Is Up To Me