Sahome is All-Purpose Rescue

Sahome is All-Purpose Rescue by seeking moral maturity and seeking peace.

This founding intention is encouraged through developing Sahome Solutions in Sahome Sessions.  You may start your own wherever you are using Sahome.  Please research the full spectrum of Sahome on our internet site:, and there, solutions can be found to implement rescue.

This is our question: to mitigate harm, hurt, loss, grief, affliction, confinement, loss of freedom, insult, injury, ridicule, depotism, belligerence, confiscation of rights by

  1. Building integrity, liberty and viability
  2. Building confidence to achieve remedies.

Let’s be self starters: If anyone or any group wishes to stage a free Sahome session or act as a presenter, please proceed.  Please utilize Sahome.  Do Rescue!!  Be in touch.  Feel free to inquire for free help from us at any time:  We can be reached at (707) 772-6373 or on our internet site