Proper Policing

To Convey Proper Policing

Seek resolution, not confrontation.

Turn away from antagonism towards accountability – greater responsibility – fuller humanity.

Nurture resolution rather than reprisal and retribution.

Replace retribution with reconciliation and with a kind solution.

Restraint means restraint

Let these items foster nobility behind the badge:

  1. Leniency
  2. Accountability
  3. Fidelity to principle
  4. Democratic Ideal

I.e. Foster fidelity to everyone’s best good and benefit.

Let accountability include charity done with affability for human dignity as a hope for all humanity.

We all can become a victim of misguided moments

Seek Resolution, not perpetuation

Consider protestors as contesters, not violators or dissidents.

No place for brutality, only civility, evolving mentality and maturity to foster a finer reality for everyone, full of good will.

Let’s not take down threats with regrets

Let humanity show itself at its best.

Do not spoil, hurt or harm.

Open the way for one another to evolve and  mature.

We’re not robots – we are a part of creation, deserving of honor.

Let’s emerge and reign supreme

Let our maxim be peace.

Burden sharing – caring.

Build upon human dignity as the grandeur to be held in every human life.

Where there is injustice we can lift trials above reprisal –

We turn pain into a higher purpose.

With proper policing we create power point profiles

In solutions, in consolation

In courage, in resolution of conflict

In humanities goodness

In health and in well being

In peace making, in soothing

Surmount these with law and order

  • Injustice
  • Victimization
  • Assault
  • Endangerment

In giving service

By hope, spiritual witness

By charity and showing the goodness of forgiveness

By reaching out to people in need

By mentoring, assisting

By creating security

By establishing dignity for and:

On behalf of the community’

In business

In good governance

In politics

In education

In civic appreciation and discipline

In welfare assistance

In fostering faith

In profiles in courage, compassion, goodwill, decency and in fostering the common good.

In conflict resolution

In addressing people’s needs

In living Micah 6:8


Do not spoil, hurt or harm

Do not contribute to suffering

It is illegitimate to harm life for us.

It is immoral because it threatens life.

It is insignuary because it heightens animosity.

It is, like policing, a dangerous job.

It is turning trials and troubles into burden sharing and giving aid and comfort.

It is overcoming abuse, shame and neglect with hospitality and civility.

Thanking every officer for their untiring support and maintenance of civic order

Their remediation of duress and endangerment

Their good judgement and patience in times of conflict

Their restraint in times of threats or assaults

Their safe keeping of the everyday folk.

So many are doing good to make the world a better place to live in.

Duty does things well, but love does things beautifully!