




We belong to eternity. Our joy is to involve with others in increasing everyone’s joy, well being, and noble disposition. We are forming a ‘constellation of congeniality,’ which will inspire and help us change any negative self defeating, hurtful mentality into a narrative of peace, that we can all thrive upon. There upon, everyone’s best good and betterment will accrue to our combined benefit. Joy is meant for everyone! We need to live thankfully with and for one another. By devotedly doing our own overcoming and improving on our own frailties and misplaced foibles, our righteous intent will help us overcome our share of bungles, grumbles, fumbles, bumbles, stumbles, tumbles and jumbles, so their impact humbles us for goodness. Our afflictions, rather than afflict us, can refine and purify us. Yes, we can often, so easily, be wounded, innocently wounded and hurt. We, all, have to contend with catastrophes, atrocities, disabilities, abnormalities, disparities, incongruities and uncertainties. They make up a part of our realities. We contend best with changing circumstances, if at our core, we have a strong value system. We all need a value system strong enough to compete with the negative impulses in our lives no matter how bad they have been. Values nurture grace and sweet embrace, and lead us on, upward to the light of virtue, love and goodness. Sahome’s embrace to all of us is that embrace, with all it espouses, which will lead us to peace, tender heartedness, honor and integrity to benefit all peoples, places, nations and endeavors.

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